
Do you feel validated?

187333_2126-thumbs-upIt’s a given at my house that the actor T.J. Thyne is always awesome (you know — Hodgins? Bones?), but I had to show you guys this doubly awesome video I stumbled across.

According to imdb, it won major awards at both the Cleveland International Film Festival and the Hawaii International Film Festival.

Also, it made me smile. And think.

Imagine someone you knew did this for you on a daily basis.

Imagine you were that someone for someone else.

How rare is that in this life?  And why should it be, really? It’s such a simple thing.

Maybe we’re all just afraid to be that vulnerable to other people. Maybe we’re lazy. I don’t know. But I don’t do this kind of stuff, and maybe I should.

I’ve gotta point out, too, the writers chose quite an interesting way to tell their story in just a few minutes yet still rip my heart out. I could learn from that, too. Less is more sometimes.

I like it.

Video here:


(Image credit.)

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