
That shelf in Kansas means everything

When I write, I aim in my mind not toward New York but toward a vague spot a little to the east of Kansas…

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Without that one person

What would you do without your very favorite person?

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Steal This Plot: Grandpa keeps sending psychics…

What if you lost your grandfather, but he just won’t go away? And what if he’s got an agenda?

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Driving at night

Writing a novel is like driving a car at night…

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When I die…

Given warning, these are the things I would do.

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Do you feel validated?

Imagine someone you knew did this for you on a daily basis. Imagine you were someone for someone else.

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Why the world needs you to write

Moments are slippery things. We can record them, but there’s no true way to relive them. A ratty T-shirt that smells like your old boyfriend is not your old boyfriend.

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Guest post: Yanking the door open

What makes an editor know on the first page whether she will like the story? Look over your work and answer the following questions.

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